The blood type of weight loss
4 Blood Types
4 Weight Loss Diet
4 Slimming Exercise
Which blood type are you?
The two main points of weight loss are diet control and exercise. In Peter’s blood type diet, not only the diet menus of blood types but also the recommended exercise methods for each blood type are included. Let’s take a look at it.
Suitable for blood type A slimming exercise:
Blood type A is very disciplined and does not like to let others see oneself. The most suitable exercise is to perform a freehand exercise or a weight loss exercise in a relaxed mood. For them, we should try to avoid excessive fatigue and tension, so the content of the exercise emphasizes relaxation, and calm aerobic exercise like yoga is also very suitable.

Suitable for blood type B slimming exercise:
Blood type B is the implementer of hedonism. They don’t like the monotonous way of losing weight. However, as long as the exercise gives people a painful feeling, they will give up immediately, so the most suitable type B is the weight loss with a game atmosphere. Ways such as dancing or aerobics.
In addition, because Type B people also need to keep their minds and body balance at all times, as long as they find a sport that suits them, they can make long-term and regular plans, such as tennis, bicycles, walking, and golf. Type B person.
Suitable for blood type O slimming exercise:
Blood type O is down-to-earth and motivated. They are hard-working and very good at one person’s silent monotonous movement, and when they complete the daily exercise program, they will have a sense of satisfaction in their hearts.
For this very hard-working O-type person, heavy training, running, swimming, and cycling are all suitable for them. At the same time, it is very important to develop a fixed fitness program, because once stops moving or enter a Negative mentality, the body is prone to irritability, irritability and so on.
Suitable for blood type AB slimming exercise:
Think of time is money AB blood type, it is best to integrate sports into everyday life, such as cycling to the station, giving up transportation, walking a stop sign distance, changing the stairs, etc.
But the most important thing is, please don’t fish for two days in the three days, you must force yourself to take it as a daily routine. In addition, since the suitable exercise of the AB blood type is a combination of the A blood type and the B blood type, static activities (yoga, Tai Chi) or physical exercise (running, bicycle) is suitable for you!